Apparatus procedures

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Only with doctor’s prescription

Reduced agility is a clear sign that the body becomes a burden to your muscles. This sensation is largely contributed by the complex of core, respiratory, and pelvic floor muscles and their functional quality. Symptoms of urinary incontinence, pelvic organ pain, erectile dysfunction, and other urological ailments are excellently corrected and treated with the Pelvictrainer exercise machine.

Capabilities of procedure:

  • Discreet and percentage-wise measurement of pelvic floor muscle activity and obtaining objective results;
  • Teaching persons to feel the pelvic floor muscles using biofeedback;
  • Performing targeted pelvic floor muscle exercises according to an individually tailored programme at the basic or advanced difficulty level, strengthening the pelvic floor muscles’ work in respective phases of muscle activity;
  • Monitoring therapeutic effects.

Recommendation for procedure prescription:

  • Women after childbirth, patients after surgical operations in the pelvic floor area can exercise, provided that the wounds have healed.
  • Pregnant women can exercise up to the 6th month of pregnancy.
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Only with doctor’s prescription

It is a treatment using pulsed low and medium-frequency currents. One of the effective physiotherapy methods is aimed at alleviating acute and chronic pain (TENS), performing functional nerve-muscle stimulation (RES). With muscle electrostimulation, the muscle or muscle groups are periodically contracted and relaxed, improving muscle blood circulation, hypertrophying muscle fibers – increasing their strength and endurance.

The procedure is recommended:

  • For various types of chronic and acute pain reduction;
  • For the reduction of arthritis, postoperative, neuralgia, sports injuries, phantom limb pain;
  • For the treatment of rheumatoid pain and osteoarthritis, degenerative bone and muscle system diseases;
  • For reducing back pain;
  • For reducing migraines, tension headaches;
  • For reducing oedema.

The procedure is not performed with the following conditions:

  • Implanted artificial pacemakers, prostheses;
  • The person has cardiac arrhythmias;
  • In the presence of thrombophlebitis, thrombosis;
  • In pregnant women in the abdominal and pelvic area;
  • Suffering from epilepsy, pulmonary tuberculosis.

Only with doctor’s prescription

Medium-frequency electrical therapy is aimed at stimulating superficial and deep muscles, reducing pain, treating heat, and massaging the back area. The programme is designed for muscle therapy, strengthens and stretches the back muscles, for additional reinforcement and effect, it can be combined with dynamic deep massage programmes, after which pain decreases, muscles relax, and at the same time are strengthened.

The Stima Well device can be customised individually by creating a special programme.

The procedure is performed with the following conditions:

  • Spine, back, muscle pain;
  • Suffering from central or peripheral origin hypotrophies, atrophies, arthritis, osteoarthritis;
  • With rheumatoid disorders.

The procedure is not performed with the following conditions:

  • Implanted artificial pacemakers, prostheses;
  • The person has cardiac arrhythmias;
  • Thrombophlebitis, thrombosis;
  • Pregnant women in the abdominal and pelvic area;
  • Suffering from epilepsy, pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • Presence of open fractures, increased sensitivity.

Only with doctor’s prescription

Magnetic therapy is based on pulses of a certain frequency, which are sent to a specific area of the body by a special magnetic therapy device. This is a true innovation, eliminating back, leg, muscle, shoulder pain, alleviating the treatment of venous and vascular diseases, aiding recovery after surgical intervention, etc. The benefits of this method to health are evident. the Person feels better already after the first treatment session, the pain is reduced and well-being improves.

Benefits of procedure:

  • Reduces fatigue;
  • Relieves pain (back, legs, calves, arms, etc.);
  • Helps treat venous diseases;
  • Helps recover during the postoperative period;
  • Accelerates fracture healing;
  • Treats venous insufficiency and others.

The procedure is not performed with the following conditions:

  • Purulent processes;
  • Bleeding or tendency to bleed;
  • Severe hypotension;
  • Thyrotoxicosis;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Severe cardiac and vascular insufficiency;
  • Active tuberculosis, blood diseases;
  • Pacemakers, other electronic implants;
  • Pregnancy.

Only with doctor’s prescription.

It is a treatment with pulsed magnetic field, which reduces signs of inflammation, oedema, improves blood circulation and calcification of bone tissue, promotes tissue regeneration.

The procedure is recommended:

In case of peripheral nerve, musculoskeletal, skin and subcutaneous, respiratory and other system diseases.

The procedure is not performed:

If you have electronic implants, such as a pacemaker, or metal implants;

If you suffer from epilepsy;

If you have cancer;

If you are pregnant;

If you have cognitive impairments;

If there are other general medical rehabilitation contraindications.

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Only with doctor’s prescription

Laser light has pain-relieving, anti-oedematous, anti-inflammatory, microcirculation-improving, tissue-healing, and biological process-stimulating effects.

LAS-Expert is a modern laser therapy device, whose applicators emit invisible laser radiation in infrared waves. Low laser intensity ensures beam penetration, its effect is manifested at a depth of 5-10 mm.

The treatment is suitable for:

  • Suffering from musculoskeletal diseases: arthritis, arthrosis, muscle inflammation, spinal osteochondrosis;
  • Suffering from nervous system diseases: neuritis, neuralgia, cerebral circulation insufficiency;
  • Suffering from internal diseases: ischemic heart disease, arterial hypertension, chronic lung diseases, stomach and duodenal ulcer, gallbladder and bile duct dyskinesia;
  • Suffering from ear, nose, and throat diseases: sinusitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, otitis, rhinitis;
  • Treating surgical diseases: trophic ulcers, trauma, osteomyelitis, abscesses, mastitis, lower limb vascular diseases;
  • Treating poorly healing wounds after surgery, keloid scars;
  • Treating skin diseases: furuncles, eczema, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, wounds.

The treatment is not performed in the following cases:

  • Suspicious skin changes (unknown moles);
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Severe sensitivity to light (any photodermatoses reacting to a medium dose of light with erythema or herpes);
  • Chronic skin disease in the acute period (exacerbation);
  • Widespread subcutaneous inflammation (erysipelas, phlegmon);
  • Skin damage from UV radiation or after radiation therapy;
  • Recent and widespread hematomas in the active phase;
  • After treatment with cytostatic drugs, immunosuppressants, ongoing treatment with high doses of corticosteroids, and medications containing arsenic;
  • Untreated epilepsy;
  • Decompensated heart failure, arrhythmias, coronary insufficiency;
  • Having a pacemaker (chest);
  • Generalised infection;
  • Hyperthyroidism (neck and shoulders);
  • Dysmenorrhea (hypogastric zone, lumbar zone);
  • Pregnancy;
  • In the area of endocrine organs (thyroid, testicles, ovaries, etc.);
  • In the area of open fontanelles and long bone epiphyseal plates in infants and early adolescence.

Only with doctor’s prescription

During HYPER PHOTON 3D laser procedures, a particularly large surface area can be irradiated.

After the procedure, there is a noticeable rapid wound healing, level of wound contraction, increased tissue elasticity, normalisation of pigmentation.

The procedure is recommended for treating:

  • Ulcers, necrosis;
  • Burns, scars, eczema;
  • Cysts;
  • Sinusitis, rhinitis, tonsillitis;
  • Wrinkles, pigmentation spots, uneven skin;
  • Fractures, joint injuries, tendonitis, prostatitis, and many others.

The treatment is not performed in the following cases:

  • Suspicious skin changes (unknown moles);
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Severe sensitivity to light (any photodermatoses reacting to a medium dose of light with erythema or herpes);
  • Chronic skin disease in the acute period (exacerbation);
  • Widespread subcutaneous inflammation (erysipelas, phlegmon);
  • Skin damage from UV radiation or after radiation therapy;
  • Recent and widespread hematomas in the active phase;
  • After treatment with cytostatic drugs, immunosuppressants, ongoing treatment with high doses of corticosteroids, and medications containing arsenic;
  • Untreated epilepsy;
  • Decompensated heart failure, arrhythmias, coronary insufficiency;
  • Having a pacemaker (chest);
  • Generalised infection;
  • Hyperthyroidism (neck and shoulders);
  • Dysmenorrhea (hypogastric zone, lumbar zone);
  • Pregnancy;
  • In the area of endocrine organs (thyroid, testicles, ovaries, etc.);
  • In the area of open fontanelles and long bone epiphyseal plates in infants and early adolescence;

Only with doctor’s prescription

Ultrasound is the high-frequency, longitudinal mechanical oscillations produced by an elastic medium when crystals are subjected to an alternating electric current. The physiological and thermal effects of ultrasound are determined by endogenous heat and non-thermal components.

Ultrasound therapy promotes tissue regeneration, reduces sensitivity, pain, swelling, inflammation, muscle spasms, increases the elasticity of muscle fibers and scars, improves local blood circulation, metabolism, and capillary permeability.

The procedure is applied in cases of:

  • Degenerative and dystrophic joint diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, arthritis, osteoarthritis, etc.);
  • Delayed bone healing after a fracture;
  • Scars, contractures, acute and post-traumatic inflammation;
  • Wounds, tendon strains, and inflammation;
  • Spinal pain, radiculopathy, heel pain;
  • After gynaecological, orthopaedic, and other surgeries, promoting scar healing, alleviating local inflammatory processes;
  • In the treatment of chronic respiratory diseases: bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, chronic sinusitis, etc.

The procedure is not performed with the following conditions:

  • Acute colds, fever;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Bleeding or perforated gastric ulcers;
  • Vascular diseases of the limbs (thrombosis, thrombophlebitis);
  • Tumours;
  • Circulatory insufficiency, coronary artery diseases;
  • Active rheumatism;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Specific infections;
  • After treatment with radioactive thorium, deep X-ray therapy, or laminectomy;
  • And in other cases.

Only with doctor’s prescription

Lymphatic drainage is a mechanical drainage method that activates venous and lymphatic circulation. The compressed air pressure is evenly distributed in sleeves and stockings, performing a rhythmic, gentle, pulsating massage. The pressure wave starts from the fingertips and then moves upwards. Then the pressure drops simultaneously, followed by a new wave. The strength of each pressure can be individually adjusted.

Lymphatic massage is a way to improve venous circulation; it can help people suffering from varicose veins and speed up metabolic processes in the subcutaneous fat layer and skin cells. This method allows for the removal of excess fluid and harmful substances from the body, normalise the interstitial fluid and lymph circulation in the body.

The treatment is recommended for:

  • Oedema (swelling) of the hands and feet of various origins;
  • Venous insufficiency, varicose veins;
  • Prominent capillary network;
  • Venous stasis ulcers;
  • Poorly healing wounds, ulcers;
  • Muscle and nerve pain;
  • Leg fatigue, heaviness syndrome;
  • Sports injuries;
  • Thrombosis prevention;
  • Prevention of travel veins and lymphostasis;
  • After breast removal (mastectomy) surgeries.

Only with doctor’s prescription

It is a physiotherapy method where specially generated visible light from a special screen affects mood, strengthens immunity, and reduces stress.

The procedure is recommended for:

In case of mood disorders (depression, seasonal/affective disorder, dementia);

Anxiety disorders;

Increased sensitivity (burnout syndrome);


Circadian rhythm disorders (night/day shift work);

Disturbed sleep or eating (bulimia).

The procedure is not performed:

If there is increased sensitivity to light;

If you are taking light-sensitive medications;

If you have eye system diseases. If there are other general medical rehabilitation contraindications.

Only with doctor’s prescription

It is a physiotherapy method where specially generated visible light from a special screen affects mood, strengthens immunity, and reduces stress.

The procedure is recommended:

In case of mood disorders (depression, seasonal/affective disorder, dementia);

Anxiety disorders;

Increased sensitivity (burnout syndrome);


Circadian rhythm disorders (night/day shift work);

Disturbed sleep or eating (bulimia).

The procedure is not performed:

If there is increased sensitivity to light;

You are taking light-sensitive medications;

You have eye system diseases;

If there are other general medical rehabilitation contraindications.

An excellent health-promoting procedure suitable for those suffering from stress, muscle tension, and back pain. It is a therapeutic full-body or partial body massage using the power of water. Dry underwater massage relaxes muscles, soothes congestion, and spasms. The heat felt during the procedure stimulates metabolism.

Weight limit up to 130 kg.

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During the procedure, CO2 gas is used, which is released into a plastic bag through a special device. The carbonic acid that enters the body through the skin is resorbed directly into the blood, stimulating the most important links of the oxygen transport system of the human body, activating the oxygen transport function of the blood, improving microcirculation and cardiorespiratory function, strengthening the blood vessel walls, making them more elastic, stronger, normalising the blood pressure, relaxing tired limbs, cleansing the skin, improving blood circulation to the skin, reducing cellulite.

The procedure is recommended:

  • For people with vascular pathology;
  • For prevention of heart attacks and strokes;
  • For those with varicose veins;
  • For those with trophic ulcers;
  • For those recovering from heart bypass surgeries;
  • For those with musculoskeletal and metabolic disorders;

The procedure is not recommended for:

  • Acute inflammatory processes;
  • Acute cerebral, coronary, and peripheral circulatory disorders;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Acute and chronic kidney failure.
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